Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday - Payroll Cut

Hope everyone one had a nice Thanksgiving. We went to my parents house and Andy deep fried 2 turkeys. It sure was good.
So they call today black Friday and all the stores are suppose to be busy. We were steady and then just died down. I worked the 10:30am to 6:30pm shift, but payroll was cut so I left shortly after 4;30 pm. Hey okay with me, Andy's home and I don't mind spending a Friday night home with my man...maybe watch a movie and have some popcorn in my pj's of course.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Thursday 11/15/07 - No deer.

Friday 11/16/07 - No deer.

Saturday 11/17/07 - No deer. Today is my first day back to work. I have mixed emotions about going back.

Sunday 11/18/07- Happy Birthday Mandie Oliver !
No deer. I am so sore from work, but the day went fairly good. Today we had church and we took in our two shoe boxes for Operation Christmas. We decided to do one girl and one boy. I had a lot of fun shopping for things to go inside the boxes. Tonight were going to Charles and Mandie's for cake and ice cream for Mandie's Birthday.

Monday 11/19/07- Work wasn't all bad today...just bits and pieces. It is time for a new job! Any one know of one please let me know. Once deer!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Good Luck Deer Hunters!

First off Good Luck to all the Deer Hunters! I hope everyone has a safe season.
Andy was gone shortly after 5 to get to there property. He was so excited he forgot the book he was taking with him. They (Andy, Dad L. and Randy) will be here for lunch today so...
I have been up since 5:00am. I have the chili in the crock pot, the pumpkin pie baked and a pan of peanut butter bars topped with chocolate in the fridge cooling, the coffee is ready to be made again. All by 7:00am!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Monday 11/12/07
Today Andy had the day off for Veteran's Day! So we went to see Mandie, Liam, Josie, Ellie, and Ammi. The babies are growing so fast. Josie is fighting a cold. Charles was busy that day so we missed our visit with him.
Tuesday 11/13/07
I have therapy today, then going to stop at Sam' Club to make some pictures of the Oliver kids and get my next 2 weeks schedule. My mom is over visiting the Oliver's today and will stop by on her way home. We had a nice dinner with mom tonight and visited a little before she headed back home.
Wednesday 11/14/07
Andy is now off work for Deer Hunting! He is off almost 2 weeks! Just when i have to go back to work :( He is excited about hunting season, opening day he will be hunting with Dad Lucas and brother Randy. I have a dentist appointment and a therapy appointment! Yippee-Skippy!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sunday 11/11/07

What a chilly breezy fall day. We raked leaves...again! I asked Andy when we were raking, tell me again why we didn't move to Arizona where they just have cactus. Yep...getting more like my dad every day. Each time I go outside I wonder which tree's we can cut down!

Although today we did have some help.It was a little breezy and we needed help holding down the tarp. Jenny and Buster had such a good time playing in the leaves and running in the yard.
Hope you enjoy the pictures!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Thursday 11/8/07 Happy Birthday Ben Walls!
I talked with my best friend Jane today.... That made me so HAPPY!!!

Friday 11/9/07 Dave and Lory get married today! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
I worked with Dave and Lory at Sam's Club. They have both moved on in there employment. However we still remain friends and today is there big day. I am so Happy for them.
Tonight we will go to there dinner at Bran's Steakhouse and then to The Crazy Horse.

Saturday 11/10/07 We went to the dinner and then the bar for Mr. & Mrs. Dave Sheldon's wedding reception. Lory was just beautiful and Dave was very handsome! We had a great time. As Andy always says "FUN HAD BY ALL"!
Once again... CONGRATULATIONS!! goes out to Dave & Lory Sheldon.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Wow... last night I chatted online with (Brenda) one of my friends from school. We have not seen each other since 2002. It was great to start catching up on the events in both family's. I really enjoyed the many hours we instant messaged back and forth. I have been trying to locate her since moving from Waterford, amazing we finally found each other again.

Today so far no plans, just a quiet day around the house.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Return To Work 11/17/07 :)

Saturday 11/3
This was leaf raking and burning day. Now I know why my Dad doesn't like trees in his yard!

Sunday 11/4
We went to the early church service as we were having company. My friend Linda, her friend Matt, and her son Ryan. We had chicken and steak fajitas, Andy cooked the fajita meat and vegetables on the grill....mmm. We enjoyed our visit with them!

Monday 11/5
I went to see the Oliver Family today. Liam and Josie were so excited to get there trick or treat bags from us. Eliora and Ammi's trick or treat bag had Thanksgiving bibs inside.

Tuesday 11/6
Today is cold, rainy, and just a nasty fall day. The winds have been blowing for two days and now we have a yard full of leaves, again!

I went to therapy today and then seen the Dr. I get to return to work on Saturday,11/17/07.
I stopped at Sam's Club on the way home and got the schedule for that week. It has been a extra 4 weeks in my healing process and am looking forward to getting out of the house.

Congratulations! goes out to Daniel and Dawn Deshetsky on the birth of there little girl!
That makes 3 girls and 1 boy for them.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Wed., Thur., Fri.

I am back... I went to blog on Wed. only to find that it was being checked for spam, now that they know i am a person i am able to start blogging again! So let me get you caught back up!

I get to visit the dentist for 2 1/2 hours for a root canal and a crown today. Then i get my eyes checked. Then it will be our 1st Halloween to hand out candy. I hope we get some kids.

Thu. 11/1 We had about 20 - 25 Trick or Treaters last night.
My mouth is still sore and my eyes, well lets just say i need bifocals.

Fri. 11/2 Today is just a quiet day and i am working on laundry.