Sunday, November 30, 2008

Black Friday ... Gone to far

Today is the last day of November . Wow...where has this month gone? I can hardly believe that tomorrow rings in December 2008. There will be plenty to do with the Holiday fast approaching. I am no where near done with my shopping!

I must say this whole BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING DAY has gone to far and has gotten way out of hand. I heard of a Wal-Mart employee in New York that died from customers breaking down the door and trampling him. I can honestly say that there is no item that anyone purchased that was more important than that persons life. My heart goes out to his family.

JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON... not any products on any shelf, in any store, at any price!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Feeling Better...

I am going to work today. I have a voice so far, I just hope it last through the night. I am feeling much better since going to the Dr. on Monday.
Andy continues to hunt but as of last night no deer.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Just another Monday

I have been sick since last Wed. with a sore throat, stuffy,cough, no voice,etc... I went to the Dr. today Monday and I have the "Michigan Crud". It seems every year when the weather changes fall/ winter and spring/summer I come down with this. I had been doing so good. I didn't even relize that I had not been to the Dr. since June, unless you count the chiropractor. I was excited to find I had reached a weight mark that I had been aiming for! I am on medication now so hope to be back to myself in a day or so.
Frozen Cokes are my friend this week, helping with the sore throat and so tasty..mmm...

Opening deer hunting day was Saturday and Andy along with his dad and two of his brothers (Randy and Dean) went hunting on the 20 acres that Andy and Randy have. In the morning none of the great hunters seen anything! In the afternoon his dad seen 1 doe and Andy seen 5 but no shots were fired as it was to hard to tell what they were so he came home with none!
Today Andy went back out hunting and seen 2, but to far away to even take a shot at.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Having a rough time...

Thursday the weather started to change and I started with the fibromyalgia pains kicking in big time. Sore back, legs that just ache...I wanted to cry they hurt so bad. Friday I spent some time in my craft room but most of the day I was just trying to get comfortable. Thank God I don't work on Friday's. Saturday I worked and it was a nasty rainy/snowy day. Aches and pains continue...
Today I had a 6 dozen cookie order to complete. I completed 4 dozen of the six and the other 2 dozen are going to have to be done later.
I wonder how the winter will effect me this year. I certainly have had some rough days when the weather changes and hope that I can continue this battle without medication.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

November warm weather

Wow...Can you believe this warm weather? It is great. I know it will not stay but in the 70's in November. I am off today and was going to do some baking but think I will push that back to Friday when it is suppose to turn cooler. Much like Michigan should be in November.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

First Weekend in November 2008

This last weekend we worked on clearing the woods behind the house. We are taking out the woods up to our property line. This is making way for the garage (pole barn) that we plan to build in the future. My parents were here, along with my nephew Charles and his family and my nephew Michael and our friends/neighbors the Brown's.