Tuesday, January 22, 2008

What a awesome god!

I want all you blogger's to check out this site on my space...

MySpace URL:

This is about a little boy that was injured by a babysitter. People from everywhere have been praying for him! How awesome is our god!
I check for updates on him every few days and tonight was so happy to see a video posted!
As I watched the video tonight my eyes were filled with tears.
All I can think of is How Awesome is our God!

I enjoyed my 3 day weekend off. Stayed home mostly and relaxed. I did go with the neighbor Cindy to the meat market in Lowell on Saturday. Andy wanted some beef sticks. They are really good. I was not so sure at first but I will buy them again. I also got Andy some spicy meat stick and some turkey jerky...think I will pass on those.
Sunday night I bent over to get a piece of paper to print something from the computer and pulled my back out! I was in so much pain and having spasms that neither one of us got much sleep. I went Monday to Dr. Newmyer for a adjustment ( dad Lucas took me). I stayed home today and will go back to Dr. Newmyer on Wednesday. Hope to return to work on Thursday.
So my 3 day weekend has now turned in to 6.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Happy 50th Birthday Brian...

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Happy 70th Birthday Mom!

Okay, so I never did post pictures from my last visit to see the twins. They were sleeping and I was waiting for them to wake up! Maybe next time.

Work has been slow and been cutting hours. Retail after the holidays...yippee! I finished work today and have a 3 day weekend. Hum! What shall I do? I am so looking forward to one day in my pj's. Oh yeah! I think that was yesterday when I also had the day off :)

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Good morning,
I am doing much better today! I have today and tomorrow off from work :)
Today will be busy, I need to go to the chiropractor, I have a appointment for a haircut, and I have errands to run. I am up early so I can get busy, because today I am going to see some of my nieces and nephews. I am so looking forward to it. I hope to take some pictures to post later today. Till then ta-ta!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Memories of January 8th

I made it through the day, however not without crying many tears in the last two days! Today marks the 14 th year since John passed away. Last night at dinner Andy and I discussed that night. I sat there with big crocodile tears running down my face as we talked. Someone at the funeral told me it gets easier in time, at that time I didn't see how! It does get easier as time goes on, but it is something that you never forget. Each year on this day a million questions and memories come rushing back into my life. I know that God does things for a reason, I am just not sure what that reason is or was!