Thursday, February 26, 2009

Follow up Dr. Appointment

Yesterday (Wed. 2/25) I had my follow up Dr. appointment. Andy took the day off and went with me. I got the okay to do what I want. I can drive! I return back to work on March 9th :(

Have you heard or seen the movie FIREPROOF? We have heard nothing but good about it and both wanted to see it. So after the Dr. appointment we came home and watched it. What a awesome movie. If you have not seen it, we both recommend it! This will be a movie that will be watched over and over in our home.

Update on my cousin Cathy's Surgery... surgery was yesterday, they found the cancer had spread to the lymph nodes of one of her breast. She was in a great deal of pain yesterday. My mom actually talked to her today and she was doing some better. Please continue to keep her and her family in your prayers.

1 comment:

TraceyLD said...

Glad to hear that you are doing good after surgery.

Andy sure has had a busy winter. Got to love/hate those extra hours.

Kids are in bed and I'm relaxing a little tonight in front of the computer.